Clause: group of related words containing a subject and verb
Gerund: a verb form acting as a noun
Adjective: word that modifies a noun
Participle: verb form acting as an adjective
Adverb: word that modifies a verb, adjective or adverb
Phrase: group of related words not containing a subject and verb
Infinitive: to plus the root of the verb
Preposition: locates something in time or place
Predicate: completer of a sentence
Interjection: command, protest, or exclamation. NEXT
Gerund: a verb form acting as a noun
Adjective: word that modifies a noun
Participle: verb form acting as an adjective
Adverb: word that modifies a verb, adjective or adverb
Phrase: group of related words not containing a subject and verb
Infinitive: to plus the root of the verb
Preposition: locates something in time or place
Predicate: completer of a sentence
Interjection: command, protest, or exclamation. NEXT
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